Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Demise of Reliability

In addition to the failure to connect to ibnukhaldun to upload my edited pages [1], the kulliyyah portal which is currently being served by an outdated and very old unit is encountering similar problems since launching i.e. consistent, regular, expected breakdown [2]. The consistency, regularity and meeting expectations are indeed elements of quality. Let's see if any of the quality guru can endorse this.

[1] The staff website is at a miserable MB (too embarrass to state it here).
[2]If the university is aiming for higher ranking, then systematic actions must be taken to improve the IT infrastructure and management.
[3]I was asked to use elearn. I did that in 2003. The time spent to upload was nerve-wrecking. To make it worse they blocked all email accounts in 2006 without informing users. They revamped - Once beaten, twice shy.
[4] I was asked to use the university's blog. Up to 30MB? Why should I? I created an account but I shall stick to this. I can go mobile here:)

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